April 13, 2010, Oxford/Jimmy Lee Recreation Center
The SPBC’s first meeting was more of a call to form some sort of advocacy group with an, as yet, undetermined name and mission.
In attendence were: Richard Arey (Ward 1 BAB representative), Jeff Zaayer, Chris Budel (at large BAB member), Morgan Christian, Dave Pasiuk, Colin Dunn, Matthew Cole (Ward 5 BAB representative), Jessica Treat, Andy Singer, Matt Schmittdiel (Sibley Bike Depot Board of Directors), Eric Lagorquist (American Institute of Architects board member), Jason Tanzman, Thomas Hoalton, Mike Madden, Kurt Schroder (Ward 2 BAB representative), Steve Clark, Steve Gjerdingen, Michelle Dibblee, John Bailey, Steve Hirsch, Dana DeMaster, Cindy Zerger, Todd Zerger.
We discussed the BAB being put on indefinite hiatus (by Councilman Russ Stark and the Mayor), as well as, Jefferson Bike Boulevard, the need for downtown connections (via Kellogg and other streets) and better north-south routes. We discussed impending Central Corridor Light Rail and its impact on bikes, and the need for a group name and logo, mission, long term goals.