June 12, 2012, East Side Ride
11 of us attended the June 12 meeting and went for an East Side Ride. They included: Phil Moody, Jane Mann, Kurt Schroeder, Erik Peterson, Jeff Zaayer, Stefan Pomrenke, Deb Alper, Matt Cole, Emily Erickson, Paul Teske and me, Andy Singer. We looked at East-Side connections to downtown, rode up Swede Hollow (Bruce Vento Trail) to East Minnehaha, and around to East Margaret Street to examine its potential as a bike boulevard. We then rode out Margaret to Ruth (which has bike lanes), Burns (which also has bike lanes) and McKnight, which has an off-road trail with a big, impassable gap at I-94. We returned on the Battle Creek Trail and Warner Road. I posted a photo album of the ride on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.457458984266520.108321. 133657969979958&type=3 It is a public page, so ignore the little pop up that says “log in or sign up” click on the first photo and scroll through them. There’s a little commentary along with the pictures.
There are also photos of Bike Walk Day on June 7th, our ride to Rice Park with Councilman Chris Tolbert, and the Bike Comics Show at Black Dog Cafe (which is still up until June 30)– http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.461795317166220.109053. 133657969979958&type=3 …and… http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.144429038902851.25608. 133657969979958&type=3
As for actions and upcoming events–
Transit for Livable Communities (and some national groups like T4America) want people to contact their congressional representatives and senators and urge them to prevent bicycle and pedestrian funding from being stripped from the highway bill that’s currently being negotiated in congress. They should also resist efforts to remove environmental reviews on many road and bridge projects. For more details, contact information for your senators and representatives, and a contact form, see– http://tlcminnesota.e-actionmax.com/takeaction.asp?aaid=6117