Discussion of current/upcoming projects 🚲 Pelham and Myrtle 🚲 local business parking concerns on Myrtle and Raymond 🚲 crossing/traffic concerns at Otis 🚲 Rice Street 🚲 County making good noises but no commitments yet 🚲 Bike Plan 🚲 Being updated now to include progress of last year, including Capital City Bikeway and bike lanes on Payne, Hamline etc. 🚲 Question asked about whether 4th Street downtown will be included; some business opposition, consultant coming in April 🚲 Worries about current plans for CCB, which force crossing traffic repeatedly 🚲 Push to add an interim bikeway on St. Peter and 10th/11th?
Turnout/Priorities 🚲 Discussed BikeMN affilitation 🚲 Need to reach out to Duluth, Mankato, Rochester etc. to hear their experience of affiliation 🚲 Get on monthly BikeMN activism call 🚲 Relationship with WOB, perhaps time meetings to coincide 🚲 Form working group to analyze setup: 🚲 Do we function as a coalition? 🚲 model on Forward Mpls? 🚲 General desire to form subcommittees 🚲 Fun Committee, organizing events 🚲 parties? 🚲 ride to work day? 🚲 rides with city councilmembers? 🚲 Engagement 🚲 Complaint/Polite Grievance/? 🚲 someone to maintain info. flow with Public Works
Other 🚲 Bike lanes on Marshall – ask city to evaluate countdown timers 🚲 Union Park offering micro-grants; opportunity to organize slow roll?